Friday, January 25, 2013

Give Your Hair A Work Out And Get Healthy Hair

We workout our body - so why not workout our hair?  How does one do that?  A scalp massage either with or without oil.  You can do it yourself or ask a friend to assist.  The key is to massage the scalp and promote circulation to the hair follicles which will then aid in producing healthy hair.

I find that women with hair loss tend to avoid touching their scalp in fear of loosing more hair, but this will only lead to more hair loss. Scalp massage works for all hair textures from fine, thinning to ethnic hair.  I can not stress enough how important a scalp massage is for everyone!

The above video explains the process and benefit.  You can massage your head with essential oils or salon brand oil.   If the oil is too heavy and your hair is oily, massage without oil.  A scalp that moves is the best environment for hair growth vs. one that is hard to manipulate.  An added benefit is the release of tension so many of us hold in our heads.

Remember consistency is key and you should massage your scalp at least 2 to 3 times per week and overtime your hair and scalp will benefit. An average of between 1/4" to 1/2" hair growth can occur per month and you could possibly double the growth.  

Don't forget to give a good massage to your hair when shampooing - every bit helps.  We welcome your comments and feedback.

No Heat Hairstyling - Hair Extensions and Natural Hair

Heating tools such as flat irons and curl irons do the most damage to hair extensions and natural hair - throw them away.  For decades women relied on simple techniques for hair styling such as pin curls, velcro rollers, roller sets, hair wraps and twisting hair to create glamorous looks.  

Throw away your flat irons which strip your hair cuticle leaving hair dry and void of shine.  Below are simple techniques to get the same hairstyles and keep your hair and/or hair extensions healthy.  Your hair is intended to last you a lifetime - so here it goes.

will keep moisture in your hair and your hair will thank you for it.  Especially if you have invested in hair extensions which can damage easier than your own hair.

1) For fine and less frizzy hair; set hair dry in velcro rollers.  Velcro rollers will  add volume to your hair, promote shine and smooth the hair.  

2) For more dense hair textures and curly hair; wet set in hair rollers and set under an overhead dryer until the hair is 100% dry. Invest in an affordable overhead dryer that can be set on a table.   I find a wet roller set under a dryer the best for newly relaxed hair.  Avoid pulling and flat ironing after a hair relaxer.

Dry Set On Fine Hair

Wet Set on Thick, Curly or Relaxed Hair

Wise women have used this technique for centuries because it works.  Hair is wrapped around the head in one direction (switch directions every so often) and this technique uses the shape of the head to add some volume and keep the hair smooth and shiny!  Widely used on relaxed hair, but great for all hair textures.

Hair is pinned in placed and covered with a scarf or paper mesh.  The longer the hair wrap sets - the smoother the hair.


Pin curls have been used for ages and were very popular in the 1930's and 1940's.  Glamorous vintage styles have made a comeback and pin curls are so simple to create.  Gather sections of hair, the smaller the section the tighter the curl, and spiral the hair around your fingers pin in place.  You can get very creative with this one - a long stem pin curl emphasizes the curl at the end of the hair which achieves a looser curl.  

Let set while your getting ready and zap with a blow dryer to set.

I have used this technique at my salon for years and am so happy it has returned.  Place a ponytail at the top of your head and roll a tube sock into your hair (cut toe portion off the sock).  This technique is best done on damp hair - it does have to set overnight or at least 3 to 4 hours depending on the thickness of your hair.  The end result is a loose beachy wave.  Use a bit of light hair gel for setting, but not a thick gel.

Try these old school techniques instead of hot tools for healthy hair and hair extensions and you will not regret you did.  What is better than sexy, shiny and healthy hair?